American Stalin: Abraham Lincoln

The Politically
Incorrect Guide to the Real Abraham Lincoln
They didn't teach you
this in school...
A published
economist's comments on Abraham Lincoln...
"Lincoln was a
master politician, which means he was a consummate conniver,
manipulator, and liar." -- Economist Murray Rothbard, "America's
Two Just Wars: 1776 and 1861," in "The Costs of War: American's
Pyrrhic Victories," ed. John Denson (New Brunswick, N.J.:
Transaction, 1997), p. 131
The Editor of Ebony
Magazine comments on Abraham Lincoln...
"On at least
fourteen occasions between 1854 and 1860, Lincoln said
unambiguously that he believed the Negro race was inferior to
the White race. In Galesburg, he referred to 'the inferior
races.' Who were 'the inferior races'? African Americans, he
said, Mexicans, who he called 'mongrells," and probably all
colored people." -- Lerone Bennett, Jr., Editor of Ebony
Magazine, "Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln's White Dream"
(Chicago: Johnson Publishing Co., 2000), p. 132
How Honest Abe really felt
about slavery... which begs the question: Was the Civil War really
fought because Honest Abe was sympathetic to slaves, and wanted to free slaves?
Let's see what Honest Abe himself says about the subject...
"Negro equality? Fudge!" -- Abraham Lincoln,
Fragments: Notes for Speeches, Sept. 1859 (Vol. III)
"If I could save The Union without freeing any slaves,
I would do it" -- Abraham Lincoln, in a letter to Horace Greeley
"I am a little uneasy about the
abolishment of slavery in this District [of Columbia]." --
Abraham Lincoln, 1862
A delegation of Negro leaders had called on Lincoln at the White
House, and Lincoln told them, "There is an unwillingness on the
part of our people, harsh as it may be, for you free colored people
to remain with us . . . [E]ven when you cease to be slaves, you
are far removed from being placed on an equality with the white
man . . . I cannot alter it if I would. It is a fact."
-- Abraham Lincoln
"The whole nation is
interested that the best use shall be made of these [new]
territories. We want them for the homes of free white people."
-- Abraham Lincoln, October 16, 1854
"I have no purpose
to introduce political and social equality between the white and
black races. There is a physical difference between the two,
which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living
together upon the footing of perfect equality; and inasmuch as
it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as
well as Judge Douglas, am in the favor of the race to which I
belong having the superior position. I have never said anything
to the contrary." -- Abraham Lincoln, "Lincoln's Reply to
Douglas, Ottawa, Illinois, August 21, 1858," in "Abraham
Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings, ed. Roy P. Basler (New York:
Da Capo Press, 1990), p. 445
"I will say, then, that I am not
nor have ever been in favor of bringing about in any way the
social and political equality of the black and white
races---that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making
voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold
office, nor to intermarry with White people; and I will say in
addition to this that there is a physical difference between the
White and black races which will ever forbid the two races
living together on terms of social and political equality. And
inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together,
there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as
much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior
position assigned to the White race." -- Abraham Lincoln,
"Fourth Lincoln-Douglas Debate, September 18, 1858, Charleston, Illinois," in
"Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings" (New York: Library of
America, 1989), p. 636, and in Collected Works of Abraham
Lincoln, Volume 5, page 371
"Free them, and make
them politically and socially our equals? My own feelings will
not admit of this.... We cannot, then, make them equals." --
Abraham Lincoln, "Lincoln's Reply to Douglas," p. 444
"What I would most desire would
be the separation of the white and black races." --
Abraham Lincoln, Spoken at Springfield, Illinois on July
17th, 1858; from Abraham Lincoln: Complete Works, 1894, Volume
1, page 273
"We know that some Southern men
do free their slaves, go North and become tip-top abolitionists,
while some Northern Men go South and become most cruel masters.
When Southern people tell us that they are no more responsible
for the origin of slavery than we are, I acknowledge the fact.
When it is said the institution exists, and it is very difficult
to get rid of in any satisfactory way, I can understand and
appreciate the saying. I surely will not blame them for not
doing what I should not know what to do as to the existing
institution. My first impulse would possibly be to free all
slaves and send them to Liberia to their own native land. But a
moment's reflection would convince me that this would not be
best for them. If they were all landed there in a day they would
all perish in the next ten days, and there is not surplus money
enough to carry them there in many times ten days. What then?
Free them all and keep them among us as underlings. Is it quite
certain that this would alter their conditions? Free them and
make them politically and socially our equals? My own feelings
will not admit of this, and if mine would, we well know that
those of the great mass of whites will not. We cannot make them
our equals. A system of gradual emancipation might well be
adopted, and I will not undertake to judge our Southern friends
for tardiness in this matter." -- Abraham Lincoln in
speeches at Peoria, Illinois
"I acknowledge the constitutional
rights of the States, not grudgingly, but fairly and fully, and
I will give them any legislation for reclaiming their fugitive
slaves." -- Abraham Lincoln in speeches at Peoria,
"The point the Republican party
wanted to stress was to oppose making slave States out of the
newly acquired territory, not abolishing slavery as it then
existed. " -- Abraham Lincoln in a speech at Peoria,
"I have no purpose, directly or
indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the
States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do
so, and I have no inclination to do so." Abraham Lincoln's
Inaugural Address on the Capitol steps, March 4, 1861
"Do the people of the South really
entertain fear that a Republican administration would directly
or indirectly interfere with their slaves, or with them about
their slaves? If they do, I wish to assure you as once a friend,
and still, I hope, not an enemy, that there is no cause for
such fears. The South would be in no more danger in this respect
than it was in the days of Washington." -- Letter from Abraham
Lincoln to A.H. Stephens, Public and Private Letters of
Alexander Stephens, p. 150
"My paramount object, is to save the Union, and not either
destroy or save slavery. If I could save the Union without
freeing the slaves, I would do it. If I could save the Union by
freeing some and leaving others in slavery, I would do it. If I
could save it by freeing all, I would do that. What I do about
slavery and the colored race, I do because it helps save the
Union." -- Abraham Lincoln in a letter to Horace Greeley
"Judge Douglas has said to you that he has not been able to get an
answer out of me to the question whether I am in favor of Negro
citizenship. So far as I know, the Judge never asked me the question
before. (applause from audience) He shall have no occasion to ever
ask it again, for I tell him very frankly that I am not in favor of
Negro citizenship. (renewed applause) If the state of Illinois has
the power to grant Negroes citizenship, I shall be opposed to it.
(cries of "here, here" and "good, good" from audience) That is all
I have to say." -- Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Springfield,
Illinois, June 1857
"You and we are
different races. We have between us a broader difference than
exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right
or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a
great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffers very
greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from
your presence.... It is better for us both, therefore, to be
separated." -- Abraham Lincoln, speech to a
group of black freedmen in Washington D.C., August 1862
Mr. Wendell Phillips
said that Lincoln was badgered into issuing
the emancipation proclamation, and that after it was issued,
Lincoln said it was the greatest folly of his life. President
Lincoln in his Emancipation Proclamation evidently had in mind
to colonize or segregate the slaves if freed:
"Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as
blacks conginue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the
national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed
breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man."
-- Abraham Lincoln, in a 24-page printed pamphlet in
May 1861 to Reverend James Mitchell
"It is my purpose to colonize
persons of African descent, with their consent, upon this
continent or elsewhere, with the previously obtained consent of
the government existing there."
Abraham Lincoln later said, in discussing the
options of colonizing them with segregated areas of Texas,
Mississippi and South Carolina:
"If we turn 200,000 armed Negroes
in the South, among their former owners, from whom we have taken
their arms, it will inevitably lead to a race war. It cannot be
done. The Negroes must be gotten rid of."
Ben Butler responded to this by
saying: "Why not send them to Panama to dig the canal?" Lincoln
was delighted with this suggestion, and asked Butler to consult
Seward at once. Only a few days later, John Wilkes Booth
assassinated Lincoln and one of his conspirators wounded Seward.
Actually, Honest Abe
brought up the slavery issue to gain sympathy only after he was
losing the war. It worked, and the tide turned. However his true
character is revealed in his words.

How Honest Abe really felt about Christianity:
"My earlier views of the
unsoundness of the Christian scheme of salvation and the human
origin of the sriptures have become clearer and stronger with
advancing years, and I see no reason for thinking I shall ever
change them." -- 1862 letter from Abraham Lincoln to
Judge J.S. Wakefield, after the death of Willie Lincoln
Comments made by Abraham
Lincoln's friend and former law partner, William H. Herndon,
shortly after Lincoln's death:
"Mr. Lincoln was an infidel,
sometimes bordering on atheism."
"He never mentioned the name
of Jesus, except to scorn and detest the idea of a
miraculous conception."
"He did write a little work
on infidelity in 1835-6, and never recanted. He was an
out-and-out infidel, and about that there is no mistake."
In 1834, while still living in
New Salem and before he became a lawyer, he was surrounded by a
class of people exceedingly liberal in matters of religion.
Volney's Ruins and Paine's Age of Reason passed from hand to
hand, and furnished food for the evening's discussion in the
tavern and village store. Lincoln read both these books and thus
assimilated them into his own being. He prepared an extended
essay--called by many a book--in which he made an argument
against Christianity, striving to prove that the Bible was not
inspired, and therefore not God's revelation, and that Jesus
Christ was not the Son of God. The manuscript containing these
audacious and comprehensive propositions he intended to have
published or given a wide circulation in some other way. He
carried it to the store, where it was read and freely discussed.
His friend and employer, Samuel Hill, was among the listeners
and, seriously questioning the propriety of a promising young
man like Lincoln fathering such unpopular notions, he snatched
the manuscript from his hands and thrust it into the stove. The
book went up in flames, and Lincoln's political future was
secure. But his infidelity and his skeptical views were not
diminished. -- Herndon's biography of Abraham Lincoln titled The
True Story of a Great Life.
Why Did Lincoln Really Start the Civil War?
"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal
sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of
1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S.
Congress, penned July 4, 1861.
"I have no purpose, directly or
indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the
States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do
so, and I have no inclination to do so." Abraham Lincoln's
Inaugural Address on the Capitol steps, March 4, 1861
Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war
proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th,
1861: "Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the
United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for
the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein."
- But there's a problem here. Georgia (and others) were no longer a member of that union.
Technically Georgia was a separate country from the northern countries
that formed the united states union. And the newly formed Confederate
States of America was a new union of independent sovereign countries
(called states). So Lincoln was invading a foreign country. The confusion
occurs when people confuse the union with a country when in fact, the
union is a union of countries (states). They don't teach this in
sociology class (the class that replaced history class).
On Dec. 25, 1860, South Carolina declared unfair taxes to be a cause of
secession: "The people of the Southern States are not only taxed
for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected,
three-fourths (75%) of them are expended at the North (to subsidize Wall
Street industries that elected Lincoln)." (Paragraphs 5-8)
It was on April 8, 1861, that Lincoln, alone, started the war by a surprise
attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of warships, led by the USS Harriet
Lane, to occupy Fort Sumter, a Federal tax collection fort
inside the lawful
territorial waters of South Carolina.
On April 29, 1861, President Jefferson Davis described the South's response
of self-defense in his Message To the Confederate States Congress: "I
directed a proposal to be made to the commander of Fort Sumter that we would
abstain from directing our fire on Fort Sumter if he would promise not to
open fire on our forces unless first attacked. This proposal was refused."
(Paragraphs 8-9)
Secession (withdrawal from a voluntary union), and war, are two very different
events. The southern states peacefully seceded from a voluntary union, these
united States of America and formed a new and more perfect union, the
Confederate States of America. Lincoln, on the other hand, declared war
against a foreign country, the Confederate States of America, because he
admittedly wanted taxes from its component States for his Wall Street cronies
that got him elected. As always, simply follow the money trail, not what they say.
If you want a soundbite for the cause of the civil war, here it is: 40% of the
federal budget was provided by 4 southern states, so Lincoln didn't want to let
them peacefully and lawfully secede from his union. Root cause: money
How Honest Abe really felt about secession:
"Any people anywhere, being
inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and
shake off the existing government and to form one that suits
them better. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the
people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any
portion of such people that can, may make their own of such
territory as they inhabit. More than this, a majority of any
portion of such people may revolutionize, putting down a
minority intermingling with or near them who oppose their
movement." -- Abraham Lincoln on the floor of Congress,
January 12, 1848, Congressional Globe, Appendix 1st Session 30th
Congress, page 94
"Only a despotic and imperial government can
coerce seceding states" - William Seward, U.S. Secretary of State
under Abraham Lincoln on 10 April 1861 to Charles Francis Adams,
Minister to the Court of St. James (Britain)
Honest Abe's Emancipation Proclamation did not free a single slave.
Did you know that Abraham Lincoln practically
imposed a dictatorship on the Northern states, closed down nearly 300 Northern newspapers,
had thousands of Northerners arrested, invaded the Northern states of Maryland, Kentucky, and
Missouri and took over their legislatures, all because those three sovereign states didn't
want to participate in his war which they considered unconstitutional.
The Writ of Habeas Corpus was suspended by
Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, during which tens of thousands
of antiwar Northerners were imprisoned for voicing their views.
Lincoln issued an arrest warrant for the Supreme Court Chief Justice
when he correctly ruled that according to Article I of the Constitution, only
Congress, not the president, could suspend the Great Writ of Habeas
Corpus. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney, in his role as a federal circuit judge,
ruled that Lincoln's executive order suspending the writ of habeas corpus during
the Civil War was unconstitutional in a decision called
Ex Parte Merryman. Lincoln and the Union army ignored Taney, and Congress didn't
contest Lincoln's habeas corpus decisions.
Most Americans do not know that the American
Civil War stated out as a kind of coup. While Congress was in recess the Lincoln warmongers
had multiple provocations in the works to resupply and land troops in the Southern forts
that were under a truce. At the time that was clearly an act of war. But their plan was to
get the Confederates to fire on the resupply ships and then accuse them of starting the war.
It worked very well. In the end Lincoln killed more Americans than Hitler and Tojo combined.
Yet, he is still revered in the land of the free. The Red Chinese, when defending their
treatment of Tibet, use Lincoln as their hero. Our press never reports that interesting
twist over here.
At the beginning of the Civil War, Lincoln and his little coup
of Northern Industrialists wanted a nice short six month war to
get them out of a depression. The federal government was dead
broke and 10,000 businesses had gone bankrupt in the North. They
had agreed to pull out of the Southern port forts and a truce
was in effect. Confederate peace negotiators in Arlington,
Virginia were assured that the North had no military intentions
toward the seceded South. 'We just have some hot heads we have
to contend with up here before we can do a non-aggression treaty'.
To get the war started Lincoln launched multiple resupply
missions to several of the forts, an act of war at the time, to
get the Confederate States of America forces to fire on them
which they did at Sumter in Charleston. Lincoln claimed that an
innocent food supply convoy had been attacked. The archives
showed they were landing troops, artillery and munitions. To
this day we hardly ever meet a soul who knows this real history
despite it's being right in our archives.
It is rare to find a military officer, especially
a Yankee, that knows that the loading manifests for the Fort Sumter ships have been open in
the archives for a hundred years. They clearly show the troops and cannons on the manifests.
But these inconvenient facts are ignored by the professional has something to
do with hurting book sales.
Lincoln killed more Americans than Hitler and Tojo combined.
The war which began with the firing on Fort Sumter,
April 12th, 1861, was a psyops, one of four put in play while
Congress was in recess during the summer, by Lincoln and his
Secretary of War Stanton.
The operations all involved secret missions to breach the truce by
breaking the blockade of Federal forts in the South with military
reinforcements, an act of war.
The historical lie was that the men were starving, when they were
actually being routinely provisioned by Charleston harbor merchants.
These multiple reinforcement attempts all included troops, weapons,
ammunition and food, because when the war broke out, the food and
water would be cut off.
Washington knew the ships would be fired upon, and it could then be
claimed that the South had broken the truce.
- Jim W. Dean
Why did Lincoln wage war? It was not because Ft Sumter. That was
his pretext. Lincoln fought for Old Whig principles: big government;
high protective tariffs; paper money to print money for his industrialist
cronies; centralized bank to control money, power, war and elections;
and mercantilism or crony capitalism; and he favored federal government
bailing out bankrupt States that were run in the ground by mercantilism.
This is why Lincoln waged war. He and his generals were tyrants and
murderers of civilians. We are in Today’s mess because of the Great
Centralizer. A year before he was assassinated, he plotted to kill Davis,
his cabinet and burn Richmond to the ground. His black flag war landed
on him. He asked for it. You live by it you die by it.
- Kimberly Nelson
Here's a little known fact about 'Saint Abraham':
When General Benjamin 'Beast' Butler issued an order declaring all
the women of New Orleans to be prostitutes because they refused to
genuflect to his occupying soldiers on the streets, Lincoln refused
to rescind the order despite international pressure to do so. The
order was a license to rape.
- Dr. Thomas J. DiLorenzo
Gettysburg Address Farce
By H.L. Mencken
The Gettysburg speech was at once the shortest and the most famous oration
in American history, the highest emotion reduced to a few poetical
phrases. Lincoln himself never even remotely approached it. It is
genuinely stupendous. But let us not forget that it is poetry, not
logic; beauty, not sense. Think of the argument in it. Put it into
the cold words of everyday. The doctrine is simply this: that the
Union soldiers who died at Gettysburg sacrificed their lives to
the cause of self-determination, that government of the people,
by the people, for the people, should not perish from the earth.
It is difficult to imagine anything more untrue. The Union soldiers
in the battle actually fought against self-determination; it was
the Confederates who fought for the right of their people to govern
And that, folks, is a brief, politically incorrect, observation of the indisputable facts.
Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery
Pastor John Weaver's booklet: Honest Abe Wasn't Honest
Abraham Lincoln's Religious Views
Worst President Ever?
Demolishing the Lincoln Myth, Yet Again
Abraham Lincoln video by Dr. Thomas J. DiLorenzo
Lincoln's Tariff War video by Dr. Thomas J. DiLorenzo
The Real Abraham Lincoln debate video between Harry V. Jaffa and Dr. Thomas J. DiLorenzo
Dr. Thomas J. DiLorenzo on Abraham Lincoln
Thomas DiLorenzo is the author of The Real Lincoln, Lincoln Unmasked, and
Hamilton�s Curse. Dr. DiLorenzo is today�s foremost critic of Lincoln.
Dr. DiLorenzo is a professor of economics at Loyola University Maryland and a senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, he has
written for the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the Washington Post, Reader�s Digest, Barron�s, and many other publications. He is widely
published in the academic journals, including the American Economic Review, Economic Inquiry, International Review of Law and Economics,
Public Choice, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, and many others. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Virginia Tech.
Lincoln's Inversion of the American Union
Abraham Lincoln: Deciding the Fate of 300 Indians Convicted of War Crimes in Minnesota�s Great Sioux Uprising
Lincoln's War Was About MONEY not slaves
Lincoln and the Social Contract
Full Text of Address on Colonization to a Deputation of Negroes, August 14, 1862, by Abraham Lincoln
Suggested Books
The Real Lincoln by Thomas DiLorenzo, Ph.D.
The Problem with Lincoln by Thomas DiLorenzo, Ph.D.
Lincoln Unmasked by Thomas DiLorenzo, Ph.D.
When In The Course of Human Events by Charles Adams
Abraham Lincoln: Was He A Christian by John E. Remsburg
The Real Lincoln by Charles L.C. Minor
Facts and Falsehoods Concerning The War On The South by George Edmonds
America's Caesar by Greg Loren Durand
Red Republicans and Lincoln's Marxists: Marxism in the Civil War by Walter Kennedy
Empire of the Owls by H. V. �Bo� Traywick, (VMI �67), a very impressive compendium of research on the subject
Now We Have a War Upon Us by Bill Cooper, a detailed study of Lincoln in the period between his 1860 election and
Fort Sumter and how Lincoln could have avoided the war if he had been listening to Seward.
Rekilling Lincoln by Walter Kennedy, a revealing account of the man known as
�Honest� Abe. Unveil the little-known dark side of America�s
sixteenth president with this shocking biography. Using speeches and
writings by the founding fathers, constitutional scholars, and even
Lincoln himself, Walter Donald Kennedy lays out clear and convincing
arguments that many of the cherished �facts� about the Great
Emancipator aren�t facts at all! Surprising tidbits include
Lincoln�s atheistic tendencies, friendship with Marxist leaders, and
complete disregard for the constitutional legality of secession. Get
ready to relearn the history of the president who shaped the United
States of America into the nation it is today - for better or, as
Kennedy suggests, for worse.
"I have read DiLorenzo's books about Lincoln, and I was happy to find your web page summary of the man I refer to as the world's first fascist."
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